
I’d have to say my favorite meal of the day is breakfast. I have eggs for breakfast every day which can get boring. I like to get creative and think outside the box. One meal I love to whip up is a frittata, usually when I need to clean out my fridge. Yesterday was market day and I needed to make room for that afternoon’s bounty. I had a couple broccoli crowns, some starting to wilt purple and yellow carrots and a leftover chicken breast–all perfect for a frittata. In the steamer basket went the carrots and broccoli. I sautéed chopped spring onion, threw in my al dente steamed veggies and chopped up chicken breast. Once everything had warmed through I poured 6 whisked eggs over the top evenly distributing it in the pan. I let this set until the eggs start to cook at the edges then place the entire pan in a 350 degree oven for about 15 minutes, enough time to take a shower or dress your children. This is super easy and delicious no matter what you put in it. Get creative! I’ve used leftover steak, pulled pork, sausage, etc. Don’t forget to season your eggs with salt and pepper because they are holding everything else together.


The rest of my meals…

Baked sweet potato with pan roasted broccoli and green onion topped with bolognese. This was delicious and we will probably be eating it for dinner tomorrow since I still have bolognese I thawed out.


Dinner-brussel sprouts and golden beets roasted with Oaks of Mamre turkey wings. Oaks of Mamre slaughtered their winter turkeys recently and I snatched up all I could. The wings were $4 per pound. The woman selling them suggested I use the slow cooker but I thought I’d roast them. They were a bit tough; I should have listened to her. I’ll make some Paleo mayo for the leftovers and have turkey salad.